Friday, August 22, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's off to work I go...

It's been about 4 1/2 years since I "retired." I had worked almost 5 years for XenoTech in Lenexa and quit my job to focus on other ventures. Fast forward to today, and I have two kids that are wonderful, but deserve more than I can give them at home. Brooklyn needs preschool! I always wanted to be a stay at home mom, but realized this past year, that I'm not quite cutting it.

Here's some examples. For starters, I hate how the constant demandingness (spell check is contending that's not a word, but I'm leaving it in) of the kids is wearing me down leaving me with little patience most of the time. Not their fault, mine. Secondly, I can't tell you how many times a day Brooklyn asks to watch TV. OK, she's bored, I get it. Lastly, my email checking is out of control...wondering every 30 minutes or so if there is an adult out there that has something to say to me. I think we all get the picture here.

So, on the Aug 25th, I will go back to XenoTech on MWF's servings as an executive administrator to the CEO, CFO, and COO. I will be working with a great group of people and am quite looking forward to it. I'm sure there will be days I'll wonder why I ever decided to subject myself to the early mornings and daycare routines, but I really feel I'm doing the best thing for our whole family. Besides, I'm using it as an excuse to buy some new clothes! I doubt swishy pants and running shorts will be acceptable in the office.


Inculcator said...

Congratulations Tonia! I'm glad they found something permanent for you! Did you find somewhere for Brody to go? (this is Christie by the way, just posting as Justin cause I'm too lazy to re-sign in)

Tonia said...

I found a babysitter off of Blackbob, so I'm in good shape!

Inculcator said...

Good for you, Tonia. You're getting the best of both working and stay-at-home worlds. (This IS Justin...)