Friday, April 25, 2008

The First Day

Let me put out a disclaimer that this won't be the least bit interesting unless you:
1. Are a mom
2. Are a dad and have a child between the age of 1 1/2 and 3
3. Are related to Brooklyn

After coming to the conclusion that Brooklyn will not be in diapers forever and I'll just wait for her to decide when it's time to be potty trained, she had a dry pull-up for half a day. So, we took a trip to Target and she picked out Dora underwear. She wore them all day long today with no accidents.

This all came out of no where. Just a few days ago, she was just fine sitting in a pee filled diaper watching Dora on TV. Now she has Dora on her hinney. My how far we've come this week. Hopefully it's not a fluke!


Carody said...

Tee Hee! Too funny. It's crazy how one day they don't care at all and the next it is REALLY IMPORTANT. I hope your potty training goes well! Sounds like she's doing great so far. I would recommend not letting her drink anything after dinner if you want to avoid nighttime accidents... at least that's what worked for us. Good luck!! Oh, and I just gave Griffin two pennies for going poo-poo in the potty. Apparently #2 is much harder than #1, and therefore requires more motivation. ;)

Inculcator said...

Well, I fit 2 out of the three. Christie and I have been advised to acclimate Joel to the kid potty relatively early, but not to start potty training until he could get his pants off by himself. {shrug} We're still a ways from that, I think. We'll have to ask you how it goes and get some advice in about a year or so.

Carody said...

Tonia, how's the potty training going so far?

Tonia said...

It's going well but not ideal, if that makes sense. Still using pull ups some days!!